Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wow factor!

ok. Big WOW to my students! You know who you are! You have both posted and commented -- read and commented on your reading in the form of a post on your own blog, and bothered to comment on the blogs of your classmates. And you have done a fab job of it, too!
Thanks and see you Wednesday, and I am SO looking forward to talking with you about your upcoming speeches.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural Reflections

I wrote this poem about an hour ago. I hope someone reads it. I also submitted it to a local newspaper in hopes they'll publish it. We'll see.

By Kay Frances Scott
(poet and performance artist)

I listened and watched and wept
All morning long,
As our first ever African-American president
Put his hand on the Lincoln bible
And swore to uphold the constitution.

I listened and watched and wept,
And scoured the sink and laughed aloud,
Joyful for my homely tasks and for my America.

I listened and watched and wept,
And put the dishes away,
And got the mail,
And had my ordinary American day,
Amidst a most extraordinary American accomplishment.

I listened and watched and wept and laughed out loud,
And finally put pen to paper
to exercise my ‘writerly sensibility,’
just like President Obama,
The exemplar who guards the American dream.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

After the storm

This is the new blog I've created to share thoughts about the world, what I read, mostly, with you, my students in the spring 09 Fundamentals of Communication class at Northeast Community College in South Sioux City, NE.
Welcome! I hope that together we will learn to communicate with imagination, vitality, and precision with one another and our loved ones and associates this semester and ever after. The rewards for learning about the world and sharing what we learn and how we feel about the world, ourselves, and one another are immense.
I'm looking forward to the semester. Hope you are, too!
Feel free to comment on this entry.
See you in class.